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Healthy Harmonies

Car EMF Harmonizer

Car EMF Harmonizer

Regular price $81.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $81.00 AUD
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A portable EMF radiation protection for your drive.

The Car EMF Harmonizer facilitates a safe and worry-free commute.

Motor vehicles discharge many noxious EMF fields that are unseen and unfelt by the body until later. These harmful radiations include:

  • EMF field produced by the car’s electrical systems that surrounds all occupants and may cause oxygen deprivation, energy depletion, nausea, and driver fatigue
  • Noxious Resonance of petrol in the tank, which is often a cause of car sickness in children and back seat passengers
  • The debilitating effects of the Earth’s Magnetic Grid Lines that pass under the car while driving
  • The engine exhaust gauges and pipes that produce a strong positive EMF radiation charge harmful to all passengers

By placing an EMF radiation protection in your car, you are protecting yourself and your loved ones from the harmful EMF unique to motor vehicles.

How the CAR EMF Harmonizer works

Orgone Effects® Car EMF Harmonizer neutralizes noxious EMF radiation in your car and replaces them with a vibrant and healthy atmosphere. It keeps you and your loved ones protected from EMF radiation that can affect your health or well-being while on the road.

The harmonizer works by emitting a negative charge that balances the positive charge of all noxious energies in your car – be it from the electrical system, fuel tanks, exhaust pipes, and even outside influences such as the Earth’s Magnetic Grid Lines.


  • Portable and can be conveniently plugged into the car’s USB port or USB charger
  • Significantly reduces driver fatigue and car sickness
  • Powered by the car’s own electrical system and does not require batteries or charging
  • Nurtures a more harmonious and energetic traveling environment
  • Ensures driver and passengers travel and arrive in a happier state of mind
  • Created with over 20 years of Intuitive Building Biology Consultancy experience
  • Clinically tested and proven for effectiveness by Accredited health professionals worldwide


“This product is brilliant, Gerard. I usually experience fatigue, fogginess, and heaviness within a few minutes of travelling in the car. I had totally forgotten that we had placed the harmonizer in the car when we first received it and when I was in the car next I was wondering why I wasn’t having my usual reaction to being there. The air felt cleaner, the energy was lighter and the car felt so much more peaceful. It was so lovely not feeling tired and heavy by the end of the trip. I love this product! ”
Trish, Melbourne

“I and a lot of people are having excellent results from your products. I especially love the car EMR Harmonizer at the moment; it makes me so calm and peaceful when driving, and I am not tired after either! Amazing stuff, well done. Many thanks.”
R. Cusworth – Psychic Medium, Intuitive Healer, Kinesiologist
Spirit Connect, Perth, W.A.

“Ooh! I’m so excited to notice changes when I drive long-distance with my new Car Harmonizer.”
J. Hand, Clinical Nutritionist, Victoria, Australia

I have just purchased the Car Harmonizer – Blanket – Stellar Dome to protect us in our travels to add to the other harmonizing products I have.  Thank you for these amazing products.
Trish Burrows

“Two years ago, I upgraded from a 1985 to a 2003 Mercedes. I was extremely pleased with the new car but within the week a health problem was developing. At bedtime, my head felt like it was vibrating on the pillow and I wondered if I was developing a chronic illness. Being sensitive to EMR in other ways (sore ears with mobiles, pounding head near routers), I decided to get the car checked before going further. Three days later I had established, with the help of an expert, that after 5 kilometers driving, the old Merc recording was negligible, the other vehicle a Subaru was 12-35 milligauz and the 2003 Mercedes was 65-95 milligauz. I decided this changed environment was coinciding with my head vibration so I tried two products (one borrowed and one bought for $300), but no success.

Then I tried the Orgone Effects Australia’s plug-in car adapter and it worked straight away for reasons I could not fathom despite explanation. However, one day the problem started again and I complained. I was asked to check to see if it was still firmly inserted. I could not see from the driving position and when I opened the back door to see the passenger computer slot, I could see it was missing. I found it and re-plugged it in, and it means I can now continue to drive the car with no ill effects.”
Health Professional, Hobart, Tasmania


Is it necessary to order the Car EMR Harmonizer if you would be carrying around a Steller Dome in your bag?
Yes, the Stellar Dome can be used in a car.

Will the Stellar Aircraft Disk, Stellar Dome or Pendants offer additional benefit in a car?
You can have a car harmonizer, Stellar Aircraft Disk or Stellar Dome in a car, however, not the Pendants.

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